Where a data subject subscribes to a printed or electronic directory in which his or her personal information is included, the person must be informed at no cost, before the information is included, and in addition to the other disclosures required, about the purpose of the directory and any further uses to which the directory may possibly be put.
Special attention should be paid to any search functions embedded in electronic versions of the directory.
The data subject must be given a reasonable opportunity to object to the use of the information for this purpose.
Where the data subject has not objected to the use of the personal information for the directory, the person must be provided with a reasonable opportunity to verify the information, confirm it, or withdraw it.
These requirements do not apply to editions of directories that were produced in printed or off-line electronic form before 1 July 2020.
If the personal information of data subjects who are subscribers to fixed or mobile public voice telephony services are included in a public subscriber directory before 1 July 2020, and the lawful processing provisions have been complied with, the required disclosures must be made, and the personal information may remain included in the directory.